Sunday 12 December 2010

All the small things in the thaw.

In light of my last blog I thought I better follow my own advice and get out there.

Forced to take my 25th Birthday off work due to the weekends diareah and vomiting with my first full stomach and some brilliant sunshine, I set out.

LOCATION - Hine Hall Nottingham not far from where I live

Being stuck In a snow drift last week reminded me of why I Love photography as it makes you focus in on all the small things. Life is so fast some people don't even notice whats right in front of them even when something when someones life is in danger.

Below is a shocking story about a pensioner who was recently left to develop hypothermia while unconscious after collapsing in a busy street.

So my theme for the day was ALL THE SMALL THINGS
Taking a look at what you might not normally notice and the wonderful textures that snow and great sunlight create.

 PARTS OF THE CAR  .......















Particularly pleased with frosted bud and teardrop. 

Definitely re kicked the motivation to get out there 


Sunday 5 December 2010

To the here and now and the joys of wInter photography.

To the here and now! 
So its been snowy up and down the country this week with talk of fuel shortages, panic bread buying and snowdrifts blocking of the arteries of our country. Over 5 days of snow and I still have not taken a photo, most out of character! There is only few occasions where I leave my camera behind and this week has most certainly been it. Most photographers will think I am mad to leave my camera behind in conditions like this but life or fragility of others has made me just concentrate on the here and now. 

Sometimes not seeing everything through the lens makes you stop and appreciate even more so everything you see before you. This week has certainly reinforced my strong belief that life is short, unpredictable, and sometimes cruel no matter who you are. I guess thats why I try and capture as much of life as I can. Doing photography makes you stand still and look at every detail to appreciate the little things. It can also stop you from enjoying whats actually going on in the here and now. Like spending an hour over one shot while your mate or other half gets bored beside you. Or not being able to dance because your constantly taking shots or worried about damaging your camera. I am so lucky just because I do photography because I get the best of both worlds. When I don't have my camera I am still in the habit of looking for the shots, standing still and appreciating the amazing gift of vision.  

I have the best of both worlds 
- Without my camera - regular the appreciation of the world around me 
- With my camera - the passion to want to capture that moment 

My top "I wish I had my camera"  moments  this week are:

- The view over Derbyshire driving out of the snow drifts wednesday morning. Mum and I where determined to make it to Ragdale hall in Loughborough for a spa day despite the 3foot of snow.

- The Derbyshire trees with glistening in the sun branches heavily weighed down with the snow.

-  The View of Ragdale hall form the drive just stunning.

- Whilst in the outdoor heated swimming pool with steam rising and snow falling

- My dog sinking in the snow as it was too deep for him. 

- The Christmas markets in Nottingham 

- Maxi Jazz at faithless we where not expecting to be front row or right in the mosh pit (definatly not a camera friendly place).

- The romantic snowy walk back through Nottingham on fri night - with couples having snow ball fights.

Winter Photography. 
Photography in the cold I do not find the easiest but there is so many advantages to taking photos over winter. The light is crisper the sun although not warm is often brighter and out more, the textures are more varied, there is more activity going on. This is where I pretend that I am not a "Birder"but cant deny it when I know facts like you are more likely to see a Bittern ( Rare bird in the UK) when there is ice as it is forced to come out of the reedbeds to hunt for scarce food.  So when your all hibinating under your duvet's this winter  I will be freezing my right index finger to the shutter of my camera to try and get some shots of the wildlife while its more visible.

Heres a few from the last few winters................................

Early Morning Paddle 

January Surf Southwold Suffolk 

Thawing Berries 

Christmas Tree Angel 

Field Focus 

Mairi - my photography mate on our epic wales trip which involved some snow drifts, near car accidents and a brilliant walk in the snow. 


In Flight 

Goldcrest - rare and posing 

True reflection 
time to get out and take some shots ......