Tuesday 9 November 2010

Portraits in a foreign country.... mission or just confidence?

Last year I needed an escape - Not having much in the bank I headed out to some family friends in Cyprus. 

I had not picked up my camera in a long time so whilst reading the photographer mags I had picked up at the airport I decided I needed to concentrate on a certain area. 

I decided I would concentrate on Portraits a challenging area as you need the subjects permission (well most of the time).  

I am fine taking pictures of people I know, even though they don't like it. Taking pictures of strangers is something different though especially when your in a foreign place. 
Throughout the week of walking tours (excellent and often free ways to learn a city very quickly), road trips and and just resting this is what 
I came up with. 

Just Chillaxing 

Watching Over the Shop 


Standing in her trinket shop doorway

Warm and Welcoming

This lady gave me a great g kiss on the check we smiled a lot even though neither of us know what each other was talking about. 

Who's that

We kept bumping into this pair who smiled at us at every turn  

Butter wouldn't melt


Breath of Fresh Air??

This poor old guy looked like he was on his last breath pitty it was on  a cigerette

My Walking tour partner and the cheeky kids we met on the streets 

Spot of Gardening 

Self Portrait

Used to being behind the lens but couldn't resist this one

The more I pushed my shyness or boundaries the more I became confident to politely ask strangers "Photo OK? and that's when the shots became more natural and all the more satisfying ! 

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